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Reproduction Historic Coins - Roman Coins- Dark Age Coins - Medieval Coins - Renaissance Coins.
Our replicas of historic coins cover a broad range of dates and will satisfy the needs of living history groups and collectors. Our mint produces a range of semi-replica hammered coins that really do look and feel authentic. Weights, alloys, and fineness are kept close to the original remedies. Original coins are carefully analyzed to determine engraving techniques and over 35 years experience is used to recreate the dies in fine detail. Our mint acts as a real period mint with its own mintmark, issuing coins under its own name.
There has long been a controversy over replicas with this degree of accuracy. Are they replicas or forgeries? Our mint, in an effort to answer this, has offered a reasonable compromise. In addition to issuing coins under their own nationally recognized mintmark, they also alter the legend slightly to distinguish these coins for what they are. Additionally, an example of each of these replicas is held by the British Museum for reference.
Our replicas of historic coins cover a broad range of dates and will satisfy the needs of living history groups and collectors. Our mint produces a range of semi-replica hammered coins that really do look and feel authentic. Weights, alloys, and fineness are kept close to the original remedies. Original coins are carefully analyzed to determine engraving techniques and over 35 years experience is used to recreate the dies in fine detail. Our mint acts as a real period mint with its own mintmark, issuing coins under its own name.
There has long been a controversy over replicas with this degree of accuracy. Are they replicas or forgeries? Our mint, in an effort to answer this, has offered a reasonable compromise. In addition to issuing coins under their own nationally recognized mintmark, they also alter the legend slightly to distinguish these coins for what they are. Additionally, an example of each of these replicas is held by the British Museum for reference.
Aethelred II Saxon Silver Penny Replica Coin
Our Aethelred II Saxon Silver Penny Replica Coin is a 978-1016 A.D. Saxon Silver Penny of the Long cross type. Sterling silver. Ethelred II known as the unready is from the Anglo-Saxon UNREDE meaning without counsel, that is without good advice.
Athelstan Medieval Saxon Penny 924AD
Our Athelstan Medieval Saxon Penny is a Saxon Replica Coin of the small cross type. King Athelstan 924 - 939 A.D. Silver Penny from sterling silver. In 927AD Aethelstan invaded Viking Northumberland and laid claim to the title of 1st King of England.
Balon Greyjoy Copper Star Coin
From the Iron Islands of Westeros comes this copper star coin from house Greyjoy.
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Ceolwulf I Medieval Saxon Silver Penny 821AD BI-180
Our Ceowulf I Medieval Saxon Silver Penny is a Replica Coin from 821 - 823 A.D. Silver Penny from sterling silver. Ceolwulf I was the Saxon King of Mercia and Kent. Each Replica historic coin will satisfy the needs of living history groups and coin collec
Charles I Coin Silver Penny 1625 BI-130
Our Charles I Coin is a replica Tower Silver Penny from 1625 - 1642 *** Made from sterling silver. Each of our replica historic coins will satisfy the needs of living history groups and coin collectors.
Charles I Farthing Historic Coin 1625 BI-150
Our Charles I Farthing Historic Coin is a replica Circa 1625 Copper Royal Farthing. Made from Copper. Copper farthings had been struck and issued privately under licence during the preceding reign of James I.
Charles I Threepence 1638 BI-120
Our Charles I Threepence is a reproduction Silver Threepence from1638 - 1639 *** Made from sterling silver. During this time period coin presses existed for minting coins, however they used the faster hammering method to produce the original coins.
Charles the Bold Medieval Coin 1474 BI-110
Our Charles the Bold Medieval Replica Coin is a Circa 1474 Billon Flanders Groat - Original alloy specifications, approx. 60-70 percent sterling silver - copper alloy.
Charles the Bold Medieval Coin 1474 Eight Pence BI-190
Our Charles the Bold Medieval Coin is a Circa 1474 A.D. Billon Double Stuiver or Eight Pence. Original alloy specifications, approx. 60-70 percent sterling silver. Charles the Bold was the Duke of Burgundy in the fifteenth century.
Coin Holder Necklace
One clear plastic coin holder with chain, for wearing a coin as a necklace without having to drill it.
Copper Coin of the Dread Pirate Roberts
This fantasy coin takes inspiration from The Princess Bride as well as the real pirate Black Bart (or Bartholomew Roberts).
Copper Half Groat of Eddard Stark
This copper half groat is in heavily circulated condition and weighs 5 grams.
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Copper Penny of Balon Greyjoy
From the Iron Islands of Westeros comes this copper penny from house Greyjoy.
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Copper Penny of The North Kingdom
The last ruler of the independent North Kingdom was Torrhen Stark, whose
castle at Winterfell features heavily in the first of author George R.R. Martin's novels.
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Copper Penny Tavestock Coin 1811 BI-230
Our Copper Penny Tavestock Coin 1811 is a Replica of a British Penny Token Made from copper. A privately issued token, the coin had no official legal tender value. This penny, typical of period tokens shows local a view of the Devon Mines.
Copper Star of Robert Baratheon
This heavy copper is from Westeros, and features the had of King Robert Baratheon late in his reign.
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Dothraki Copper Full Armband
This armband is an example of wire coinage; coins which
are struck with primitive tools along a length of heavy wire, and worn
as armbands or bracelets, but may also be cut apart as needed for use as
Dothraki Copper Pul
This unusual piece is an example of wire coinage; coins which
are struck with primitive tools along a length of heavy wire, and worn
as armbands or bracelets, but may also be cut apart as needed for use as
Dothraki Silver Denga Wire Coin
This small silver is from the land far to the east of Westeros known as Vaes Dotherak, or the land of the Dothraki horsemen. It is an example of wire-coinage.
Edward I and Edward II Medieval Coin Replica E1E2CP
The Edward I and Edward II Medieval Coin Replicas a Silver Penny, minted at London and found in 1963! Card gives an overview of the struggles between King Edward I (longshanks), William Wallace (Braveheart) and Robert the Bruce.
Edward I-II Medieval Coin 1272 BI-140
Our Edward I-III Medieval Coin is a replica coin from 1272-1377 *** Made from sterling silver. Each of our replica historic coins will satisfy the needs of living history groups and coin collectors. These coins are semi-replica hammered coins.
Elizabeth I Renaissance Coin 1558 BI-160
Our Elizabeth I Renaissance Coin - Replica 1558-1603 Silver Half Groat or Two Pence. Made from sterling silver. During the reign of Queen Elizabeth I there was almost a complete recoinage of British coins. Gold and silver coins were effected most.
English Civil War Replica Coin Set CW1CP
Our English Civil War Replica Coin Set Comes with two different coins - Charles I Half-crown 1646 from siege of Newark and a Commonwealth shilling 1653.
Eric Bloodaxe Viking Silver Penny Replica Coin 866AD BI-210
Our Eric Bloodaxe Viking Silver Penny is a Replica Coin Circa AD 947-48 and 952-54). *** Made from sterling silver. From AD 954 the Vikings began to raid Britain. Coins such as this were used for the Danegeld protection money. The Danegeld was only partially successfully as of course the Danes kept coming back for more.
Faceless Man Coin Necklace
Our Faceless Man Coin Necklace is a replica of the iron coin given to Arya Stark in Game of Thrones. Arya Stark receives this coin in the course of her travels and initially discounts it as valueless. As it happens, this is not a coin in the usual sense, but a recognition token for members of the Faceless Man organization.
Faceless Man Coin Necklace Silver
Our Faceless Man Coin Necklace Silver is a replica of the iron coin given to Arya Stark in Game of Thrones. Arya Stark receives this coin in the course of her travels and initially discounts it as valueless. As it happens, this is not a coin in the usual sense, but a recognition token for members of the Faceless Man organization.
Faceless Man Coin Silver
Replica of the iron coin given to Arya Stark in Game of Thrones. Pure Silver, made in the U.S.
Faceless Man Drilled Brass Coin
Brass replica of the iron coin given to Arya Stark in Game of Thrones.
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Game of Thrones House Martell Half Penny
This brass half penny is from the land of Dorne, in the southern part of Westeros.
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Game of Thrones Silver Brothel Token
This silver token is from an establishment called The Peach in Stoney Sept, Westeros from Game of Thrones.
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Game of Thrones Silver Stag of Eddard Stark
This silver stag is struck in pure .999 silver, weighing approximately 3.1 grams. Eddard (Ned) Stark was Warden of the North in Westeros.
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George III Revolutionary War Coin Set 1760-1820 G3CP
Our George III Revolutionary War Coin Set 1760-1820 Contains 3 coins - 1 Shilling, 1 Sixpence and a 1/3 guinea from the time period of the American Revolution and the Napoleonic War.
George IV and Victoria Replica Coin Set VGCP
The George IV and Victoria Replica Coin Set Contains 2 coins - A Crown of George IV 1821 and a Gold Five Pound of Queen Victoria. The nineteenth century was an opulent time and many examples of the lavish lifestyles remain.
George VI Air Raids Bronze Half Penny - Real British WWII Coin
An Original George VI Air Raids Bronze Half Penny from WWII 1936-1952. During World War II oranges and lemons were a penny each, 1lb. of cheese was ten pence and 1lb. of bacon was 18 pence.
George VI Rationing Bronze Penny - Real British WWII Coin
The George VI Rationing Bronze Penny is an Original 1936-1952 WWII British Coin. Obverse - Bust of King George VI Reverse - Britannia.
George VI Silver Sixpence British WWII Coin
Our George VI Silver Sixpence WWII is a 1936-1952 Reproduction British Coin. During World War II a female trainee in a factory would be paid £ 1.18s per week.
George VI Silver Threepence WWII Replica Coin
The George VI Silver Threepence WWII Replica Coin is a 1936-1952 Reproduction Coin. During World War II two pence would buy a pint of rationed milk. Three pence would buy 1lb of oatmeal and for five pence you could buy a packet of cornflakes.
George VI The Blitz Bronze Farthing Original WWII Coin
Our George VI The Blitz Bronze Farthing is an Original WWII Coin. During World War II a farthing would have bought one whole eggs worth of rationed dried egg.
Glue Gun For Wax Seals - Surebonder Mini
The Surebonder Mini Glue Gun is a compact, high-temperature tool ideal for crafting and DIY projects, designed to work seamlessly with wax seals and other applications requiring precision.
Gold Doubloon Crest Coin
Our Gold Doubloon Crest coin was coined in Seville during the reign of Felipe II between 1556-1598. The perfect addition to any collection, or a great way to get one started.
Gold Doubloon Replica Coin
Our Gold Doubloon Replica is also known as 2 gold Shields (Doblón). It was coined during the reign of Felipe II between 1556-1598.
Gold Shield Replica Coin
Our Gold Shield Replica Coin is modeled after a coin originally minted during the reign of Felipe IV in 1637.
Greek Athens Gold Stater Coin
This reproduction Athens Gold Stater coin is a faithful replica of the original coin, molded directly from it. It's made from pewter and plated with 22ct gold. Packaged in a wallet-type packaging, the coin is held in place by a clear blister. The packaging features images of the Acropolis, the two coins in the collection, and additional Greek imagery. It also includes historical information about the coins and the rise and fall of the Ancient Greek empire.
Greek Athens Silver Didrachm
A reproduction Athens Silver Didrachm coin with Athena wearing a helmet on the obverse and an owl on the reverse.
This is made or Lead free pewter. Sold in Quantities of 10.
This is made or Lead free pewter. Sold in Quantities of 10.
Henry VI Groat Replica Medieval Coin 1430 BI-220
Our Henry VI Groat Replica Medieval Coin circa 1430 a Fifteenth Century Silver Groat. Sterling silver. King Henry VI reigned from 1422 to 1461 and from 1470 to 1471, his reign was interrupted by Edward IV. Great for living history groups and coin collectors.
Henry VIII and Elizabeth I Deluxe Coin Set HECP
Our Henry VIII and Elizabeth I Deluxe Coin Set Contains a medal from 1545 to commemorate Henry Viii as Supreme Head of the Church of England. The Renaissance Coin Set also includes an Elizabeth I silver crown 1601.
Henry VIII and Elizabeth I Renaissance Coin Set HECPS
Our Henry VIII and Elizabeth I Renaissance Coin Set Includes two different Ren. coins - Henry VIII Groat 1509-1547 and Elizabeth I Sixpence 1558-1603.
House Gardener Hand Coin of Highgarden
The design of this coin is based upon a facet of Game of Thrones in which we find that a gold coin featuring the hand sigil of
House Gardener is still in circulation some three hundred years after
the Gardeners have become extinct.
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House Martell Copper Star
This Copper star is from the land of Dorne, in the southern part of Westeros.
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Joffrey Baratheon Golden Dragon
The reign of Joffrey Baratheon takes place at the core of Game of Thrones as we enter it. This solid brass coin is a reminder of this dark time.
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Leather Bag of Pieces of Eight
This Leather Bag of Pieces of Eight calls to mind the nine pieces of eight discussed in Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End.
Lord of the Rings Coin Set 1
Packaging unfolds to reveal information and history about each coin. Included are coins from Moria, Hollin, Mordor, Rohan, and Old Dale.
Mary Queen of Scots Replica Coin 1560 MQSCP-S
Our Mary Queen of Scots Replica Coin is a Silver Testoon (5 Scots Shillings) of Francis and Mary dated 1560.
Medieval Coin Set MED1CP
Our Medieval Coin Set Comes with two different Medieval Pennies- Penny of William I 1068-70 & Penny of Eustace 1138-53
Medieval Coins Florin 10 Pieces
These Medieval Coins Florin 10 Pieces 1325-1355 come as a set of 10 in a Brass finish.
Old West Cat House Tokens With Black Carrying Bag
Old West Cat House Tokens were tokens that were used as currency in the saloons and brothels of the American Old West during the late 1800s and early 1900s. These tokens were typically made of brass or copper and were often stamped with a design or logo that represented the establishment where they were used.
Periodic Table Bullion Titanium Square
Straight from the Periodic Table comes this "coin". Handcrafted in the U.S. and highly detailed.
Roman Coin Set Five RCP-5
The Roman Coin Set Five comes with five different Roman coins - Dupondius of Nero 54-68AD, Sestertius of Faustina I, As of Antoninius Pius 138-161 AD, Aureus of Claudius 41-54 AD, Denarius of Augustus 27BC - 14AD
Roman Coin Set Four RCP-4
This Roman Coin Set Four has three different Roman coins: Dupondius of Hadrian 117-138 AD, Aureus of Claudius 41-54 AD and As of Claudius 41-54 AD
Roman Coin Set One RCP-1
Our Historic Roman Coin Set comes with two different roman coins: Denaruis of Caesar and Gold Stater of Catuvellauni. Dates from 45-20 BC.
Roman Coin Set Three RCP-3
Our Roman Coin Set Three comes with two different Roman coins: Sestertius of Nero 54-68 AD and Denaruis of Titus 79-81 AD.
Roman Coin Set Two RCP-2
The Roman Coin Set Two includes two different Roman coins: Denaruis of Vespasian 69-79 AD and Gold Aureus of Domitian 81-96 AD
Set of 6 Brass Half-Pennies from 6 Houses
This Set of 6 Brass Half-Pennies from 6 Houses is based on the A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE series of novels by George R.R. Martin. This set includes Houses Stark, Greyjoy, Lannister, Martell, Baratheon, and Targaryen.
Silver Stag of Aegon Targaryen
This small silver stag piece is from the mythical realm of Westeros
shortly after the unification of that land by the event known
historically as Aegons Conquest. This is a replica coin from Game of Thrones.
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Silver Stag of Aerys II Targaryen
This silver "stag" piece is from the mythical realm of Westeros
late in the tenure of the Targaryen kings, some 280 years after the
unification of that land by the event known historically as Aegon's
Conquest. Aerys II is better known as "The Mad King".
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Single Brass Jaehaerys Dragon
Jaehaerys Targaryen is also known as "The Old King" or "The Conciliator". He was the fourth Targaryen King and a dragonrider.
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Square Iron Coin of Braavos
The dominant small-coin of the Braavosi currency system is the Braavosi Iron Square. Officially licensed by George R.R. Martin.
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The Hobbit Coin Set 1
Packaging unfolds to reveal information and history about each coin. Included are a three pence, penny, half penny, and farthing.
The Shire™ Willow Tree Wax Seal Coin
Embrace the enchanting world of J.R.R. Tolkien with The Shire™ Willow Tree Wax Seal Coin. This beautifully crafted coin, symbolizing the lush landscapes of South Farthing, serves as a perfect accessory for fans and collectors alike.
Tree of Gondor Wax Seal Coin
Discover the enchanting Tree of Gondor Wax Seal Coin, a stunning tribute to the realm of Gondor from J.R.R. Tolkien's legendary universe. This beautifully crafted coin features the iconic White Tree of Gondor, the sword Andúril, and the seven Palantíri, making it a perfect collectible for fans and enthusiasts alike.
Wax Seal Glue Sticks - Gold - 13 Pack
Elevate your correspondence and creative projects with our Wax Seal Glue Sticks in Gold. This 13-pack offers a modern twist on a timeless tradition, providing a durable and easy-to-use adhesive for all your sealing needs.
Wax Seal Handle with Magnetic Tip
Elevate your correspondence and craft projects with our Wax Seal Handle featuring a magnetic tip. Designed for efficiency and ease, this handle allows for quick swapping of wax seal stamps without the hassle of tools. Perfect for crafters and letter writers alike, it combines functionality with a touch of elegance.
WWII George VI Nickel Brass Threepence Original Coin WW2CP-2
Our WWII George VI Nickel Brass Threepence 1936-1952 in an Original Coin. During World War II three pence would buy one weeks ration of tea, 1lb of rice or two whole herrings.